July 4th in Gettysburg

Written By: Peace Rose | July 12, 2020

It can be hard to believe that racism and white supremacy can be rampant in your neighborhood when you know that there are so many wonderful people who live there. Gettysburg is home to many individuals who believe in equality and justice and who denounce white supremacy. However, just like anywhere, there are those who don’t feel this way.

On July 4th, white supremacist militias (armed with guns) gathered at the National Cemetery in Gettysburg to “protect” Confederate statues and symbols. Why did they feel it necessary? Someone on Facebook created a flag-burning event (supposedly supported by Antifa). It was labeled a peaceful protest. However, there were also rumors that, during the fireworks display, members of Antifa were also going to cause damage to the monuments and white communities. These militias flocked to Gettysburg with their guns in order to, “make sure no statues were taken down,” and to, “keep the peace, and to ‘defend what’s right’” (Gettysburg Connection). 

This protest didn’t happen. In fact, it was a hoax. Antifa had nothing to do with it as a group and, whoever created the event, probably wasn’t a part of Antifa. All of these people traveled to the cemetery to defend against a protest that wasn’t real. Instead, the crowd gathered at the cemetery ended up creating issues for many who came to honor those buried there.

One such person was a man named Trent Sommes. Wearing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt, he came to the cemetery and caught some of the group’s attention. They yelled at him, telling him that he shouldn’t be there, as well as using expletives. He was escorted out of the crowd by police for his “safety” while the crowd was left alone. All he did was wear a shirt while they yelled at him and they were allowed to stay while he had to leave!

Another incident occurred between these “protectors” and a man named Scott Hancock. Hancock, another supporter of Black Lives Matter, was putting Black Lives Matter flags around monuments in order to help educate others on the importance of the movement. Since Hancock and his friend are Black, some individuals from the militia yelled at them to, “get their welfare checks” (WCVB). He was also followed by several white supremacist bikers (Gettysburg being a popular destination for biker groups). These people traveled from all over just to terrorize people who weren’t doing anything illegal.

However, were these militias legally in the wrong? According to the National Park Service, these militias, “had not applied for permits,” but that, “they had been ‘cooperative with law enforcement’” (Gettysburg Connection). What does that mean? If you are a large group aiming to disrupt the usual flow of a public space, you should have a permit. Otherwise, your group will be broken up and/or escorted out of the space. As far as I have found, nothing was done to remove them. Instead, the people that these militias were bothering, were the ones that the police escorted away. In addition, they were walking around with guns, most of which looked to be large machine guns. How were they cooperative with law enforcement? It sounds like law enforcement was cooperating with the militias instead.

This all comes not long after the National Park Service said that the Confederate monuments at Gettysburg would not be taken down. Part of the reason that they stated, is the fact that some monuments have been in the park for so long that they require legislation to remove. Another reason is the idea that they feel the monuments share an important part of history that we should not forget. However, there are many ways to remember the Civil War, especially with all of the documents, memorabilia, and other historical information that Gettysburg has. I was even taught in depth about the battle in 4th grade in class, not by staring at a Confederate general’s bronze face.

In light of these events, many have spoken out about the failures of the National Park Service and police in allowing these militias to cause so much trouble. Britt Isenberg, a Licensed Battlefield Guide in Gettysburg, wrote that, “the park failed in enforcing its own regulations” (Evening Sun). In addition, several people on social media are calling out officials that supported either the militia or the removal of Trent Sommes. Many, including myself, found this a shameful display. Given the town’s history of fighting against the injustice of slavery, the fact that these people come to Gettysburg to perpetuate injustice is bewildering. Most of us do not feel how these militias do, but this act of terrorism will stand in the memories of all as a true depiction of the divide in this country.

When I was younger, I thought, since Pennsylvania (the state of Independence) was part of the Union and Gettysburg was where one of the final battles was fought, that Gettysburg was amazing. While there are people in Gettysburg who actively fight against white supremacy, these recent events show that Gettysburg is not immune from white supremacy’s effects.

Enforcement, Protests










Photo by Trent Yarnell on Unsplash 

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