New Year, New Dreams. 2023 has arrived and we’re psyched for the cosmos' plans. Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto will be in the sky this year to shake us up; and as trans-personal heavy-hitters, we’ll see great changes in the collective psyche. In fact, the year promises to be more intense than what we’ve faced at the dawn of the decade.
All three powerhouses are status quo rebels and will have some dark (and fun) surprises in the works.
He’s back – Jupiter says farewell to Pisces as he wrapped his final 3-month transit and returns to Aries on December 28th, 2022. Jupiter in Pisces transits are bliss as he's kingly in his ancient temple. Now, he's ready to get a head start Mars's 1st warrior - the Ram.
Aries and Jupiter are warriors of the Fire realm so this undoubtedly will be a creative time. We’ll embrace uncharted ways in fun, self-expression, and personal leadership. There'll be an heightened desire for bold, forthright, and competitive rivalry in our relationships. The Jupiter-Mars combo is a fiery one that fearlessly carries out new creativity in the world – and makes it ours!
And also like Aries and Jupiter – stay clear of egoism, blind optimism, and ruthless dogma. Fire is an incredible force and works well with a stable base for its wild creativity.
After a playful winter and spring, Aries will take some pre-summer PTO in May of 2023. Venusian goddess Taurus will arrive to the Guru’s temple after last visit was in 2012. Here, Jupiter expands on material themes like money, values, and earthly pleasures. This transit will prize solidity and will slow our roll as compared to the Arian transit.
The lessons of Aries are supported by Taurus’s earthly insights and to give us a an opportunity to wield internal security, and new insights into finances, values, and personal resources.
Happy Jupiter Return!
Jupiter's next play is a two-week collaboration with cosmic rebel Uranus for a Money, values, and pleasures were a hit. Now, Uranus shocks the lofty Jupiter zeals and gives it a new, human dimension. We’ll most likely see a collective craze in personal resources 101, but Jupiterian wisdom will exalt the ingenuity of Uranus – tenfold.
The brainy intuition of Jupiter and Uranus are salvation to human life and will teach us comfort in an odd era.
Alas, a long–anticipated transit, Pluto starts his journey in Aquarius on March 23, 2023, and will stay there until June 11, 2023. Like Pluto himself, he’s only here to play for a bit before going back to the underworld but, rest assured, he'll make him self known.
Aquarius is at a peak in the 21st century and we’ll slowly embrace the shocking hallmarks of the eldest air sign. Today, we’re deeply connect to human affairs (Aquarius) - of personal sovereignty, novelty, humanitarianism, and cool engineering of friendships and professional networking. The sign is enamored by the fraternization of society to recognize we’re all one in the world.
But like Pluto, Aquarius is radical in changes to a point of madness. Note that “genius” is a common keyword for Aqua. Aquarius detest any forms of authority—bosses, possessive partners, laws—as they restrict freedom. So, Aqua rebels violently with sheer force to overthrow any kinds of power that are out of balance. With Pluto on his side, we’ll eradicate everything that no longer serves us collectively.
Historically, the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was in 1777 – right before the approval of the Articles of Confederation. The approval is the nation’s first attempt to birth a national government (Aquarius) after an 8-year war against Great Britain (Pluto). Victorious, the first “U.S citizens” were excited to finally govern themselves freely.
But, the Articles didn’t go as planned - rivalry rose in-between states because of an imbalance in power. Conflicts in state boundaries, taxes, and even currency were big problems in the union. Since states were granted total independence, it became nearly impossible to govern them when national issues arose.
By 1789, the U.S. amended the Articles, but it became a new framework (Pluto) for the next successful plan: the U.S. Constitution (Aquarius).
Now in March, we’ll catch sight of what may unfold in the destiny of Pluto. Pluto is mysterious and his energy is subtle. He seduces us to lurk deep within ourselves and our environments to clear out what is dated in collective unity.
Saturn—the lord of karma—served a long six years in his domicile Capricorn and Aquarius. We pay Saturn respect for the duties he’s taken on since 2017 and for bringing our focus to reforming our worldview, dreams, and life goals.
Lessons in responsibility, maturity, and humanity loomed and reshaped our lives more than ever. And many are learning to pay the price of Saturn’s hard-at-work mantras for a pure, stable lifestyle that’s built to last.
On March 7th, 2023, Saturn will ingress in Pisces and remain until May 2025. In the final sign of the zodiac, Saturn’s motivation is for the mystical, Neptunian waters of Pisces and the fishes’ lessons in empathy, human sensitivity, and divine love.
With Saturn, the hard work will be grounded in Piscean virtues so we can create new forms of emotional security. Since we’re approaching both the Age and Pluto in Aquarius, we’ll have flashbacks from traditions (Pisces) that have changed tremendously by the younger generations and new-age living.
There may be some restrictions as Piscean martyrdom can easily upset Saturn’s persistence on grounded reality; but, with work, the bridge of Pisces and Saturn works magic and encourages greater spiritual focus.
In January 2022 the Nodes moved into the Scorpio-Taurus axis. Lessons of 2nd - 8th house themes (values, possessions, debts) wrote new collective themes —Student Loan Forgiveness, Stock Market Fluctuations, and Personal Evolution.
On July 18th, 2023 the nodes will shift into the Aries – Libra axis. As two Cardinal bosses the Venus and Mars duo are a reflection of “Me” vs. “Others.” Aries – Libra axis and may be shamelessly vented this summer.
The Nodes of the Moon are astrological point(s) that tell our life mission where we’ll be tugged to fulfill destiny, fate, and spiritual karmas. Independence (Aries) will be attractive to the masses and we’ll romance over “heroic performances by our partners, and friends and maybe even wow ourselves into new affairs. Libra will breathe a Venusian delicacy into Arian passions that’ll create future trends of joy, self-confidence, and lifestyle.