Transits and Aspects
are read in two ways: what the planets are currently doing with each other and how the current worlds interact with your birth (natal) chart. This distinction is based on the differences in planetary speeds and how the placements of the planets are read regarding birth charts. For example, two planets in the same sign at the same degree in a transit chart are in conjunction. The energy of the faster-moving planet (the planet that moves through the Zodiac in less time) applies to the power of the slower-moving planet.
The effect of these aspects is different in a birth chart because birth planets don't move! That means slow-moving planets apply their energy to your stationary birth planet. An example would read as follows: your natal Mars is 3° Sagittarius, and the current position of Saturn is 3° Aquarius. This would be read as Saturn sextile (60° difference) natal Mars. The disciplined nature of Saturn is being applied to the driven nature of Mars. In this case, a disciplined (Saturn) approach to actions (Mars) allows for ease when working with physical (Mars in Sagittarius) and mental (Saturn in Aquarius) tasks. This may sound confusing at first, but as you become more acquainted with astrological terms and your birth chart, it becomes easier to interpret.
In a transit chart, the faster-moving planet is read first, i.e., Mars sextile Saturn. This indicates the current position of planets Mars and Saturn within 60° (see an orb of allowance). The driven energy of Mars is being applied to the restrictive energy of Saturn, thereby making everyone (because transit charts affect everybody) more likely to act with less restriction/caution.
The only exception to the way aspects is read to the Sun. The Sun is always read first.
Types of Transits, Aspects, and Patterns in a Natal Chart
Transit Charts: Fastest-Moving Planets are read FIRST (unless it's the Sun)
Birth Charts: The birth planet is read first (unless it's the Sun)
A conjunction is a blending of two planets - they’re close pals, within 7 degrees of each other—both of the planets’ powers highly concentrate in the sign + house.
Let’s say: you have Jupiter-Saturn conjunct in your natal chart, you would read it as Jupiter conjunct Saturn because Jupiter moves faster through the Zodiac than Saturn. The Jupiterian expansiveness is complementary to Saturn's restrictive nature, thereby alleviating Saturn's tight grip and Jupiter's proclivity to inspire new earthly forms.
Manifestations are dependent on the sign and house of the conjunction.
See "Differences in Aspects: Transit vs. Natal" for more information on how conjunctions affect you.
Two planets are in the Trine aspect when they are 120° apart. The orb of allowance for a trine is 8°, which ranges from 112° to 128°. Trines are considered "easy" because the energy between two planets in a trine can flow naturally. Unlike the sextile, trine aspects do not have to be enacted or initiated; they represent a natural ability to stream. These placements may bring good luck or an ability to overcome difficulties with ease.
Some planets do not get along well with other planets, and a trine between two conflicting planets makes it easier for that conflict to manifest in your personality. That is why it is easy to use quotation marks.
Too many trine aspects and not enough hard aspects (squares, oppositions, etc.) make for lazy tendencies or too much ease in life. While that may sound like a good thing, it is a challenge that helps us grow and is a necessary aspect of life.
Look at your chart to see where you have any trine aspects. These will tell you where you will most likely succeed, ease, and good luck. Depending on what planets are involved, what signs those planets are in, and what house will determine the areas of your luck.
Like the trine, a sextile is a ‘soft’ aspect in a chart. The two planets are fond of one another’s power and are on similar pages regarding expression. They see each other, talk nicely, and are drawn, but only act when called upon by the native.
Any planet within 60 degrees of another makes a sextile aspect. As with most aspects, there is an area called an orb of allowance. An aspect can be considered sextile if it is 60 degrees +/- 6 degrees (or 8 degrees, depending on the interpretation). This means a range from 54 degrees to 66 degrees is considered sextile.
A sextile is an unwrapped gift. Unlike trine, it doesn’t flow naturally but appears in events you’d never expect or realize at times, which makes this an easy aspect.
This aspect represents opportunities within a chart. Known as an "easy" aspect, the energy between two planets in this aspect is more easily utilized by the native, A person with this placement. Easy is in quotations because there are two sides to consider. For example, let's say someone has a Mercury and Mars sextile. This indicates that the native can think and communicate quickly. This is good for times when mental acuity is suitable but can have dire consequences if a native speaks impulsively.
The sextile aspect is similar to the trine aspect in terms of good luck and the ability to overcome obstacles. The major difference between the two is that sextile aspects require the native to act out the energy consciously. So, as for the above example, it is easy for the natives to tap into their mental quickness and not have it overrun their thought processes.
A square occurs when two planets are 90° (Orb: 82°-98°) from each other. Squares are challenging, meaning they imply friction between the two planets. Squares are best understood as obstacles needing specific actions to address the conflicting energies.
Life would be dull if not for obstacles and challenges. A blockage might be a motivating force that helps you to realize your true personality. Beyond boring, challenges and difficulties add perspective to life, which can help everyone to develop a unique character.
Look for trine or sextile aspects connected to square aspects. These provide opportunities for overcoming obstacles. For example, let's say we have a chart with the Sun Saturn and the Sun trine Mars. Mars becomes a helper planet and relieves tension created by the square aspect. The action is based on the signs of the planets and their houses.
A somewhat rare aspect pattern occurs when the following happens:
Two sets of oppositions
A square connecting the opposing planets
Let's say… Sun in 15° Libra Opposite Saturn at 15° Aries - that’s one set of opposition. Next, we need a set of squares to the first. So let's say Mars at 15° Cancer opposite Jupiter at 15° Capricorn. The Sun is square, with both Mars and Jupiter. Saturn is also square with Mars and Jupiter. This configuration allows an orb of influence, so it does not have to be exact, but the closer it is, the stronger the influence.
Notice that this example includes all of the cardinal signs. This is usually the case, depending on each planet’s degree (see dissociate aspects for more information). The force of hard friction heightens the go-getting cardinal energy.
Squares and oppositions are complex because they signify challenges and obstacles. Squares are two similar energies that do things dissimilarly. And, it upsets each other. Forming a lot of internal friction on a native. Well-thought, honest, and brave actions are required for problems with energy.
Oppositions - on the other hand - are created by outer circumstances. Karmic lessons arise to teach lessons in integration, harmony, and disciplined release of the two planets..
To fully understand the Grand Cross, look for any more soft aspects (trine, sextile) to manage the challenges of the hard aspects. Next, find each planet’s house ruler. Above, Saturn is in Aries, the natural sign of Mars, so there’s a particular emphasis on Mars square Saturn.
Lastly, don't be fearful, A grand cross might seem complicated, but the benefits promise wealth, fame, and wisdom—a premium example. You will understand life, giving you a broad perspective.
An opposition occurs when two planets are 180° (Orb: 172°-188°) from each other. The keyword for opposition isseparation. When two planets are in opposition, there is a pole-to-pole energy shift, giving a kind of “inconsistency” in a native’s personality. Yet, both are two sides of the same coin and their karma is to learn how to swing back and forth between the planets. Both planets put their energy into the same channel, creating conflict, especially when one dominates the other.
Oppositions are triggered by outer circumstances - think events, people, and environment. But with patience, rich a native in deep rewards for their long efforts, thus balancing the two.
The planets involved, their signs, and their house placements indicate where these difficulties manifest. Look for trines and sextiles connected to opposition to see where your opportunities are to balance them.
For example, I have a Libra Sun in the 9th house opposite an Aries Saturn in the 3rd house. This placement indicates a struggle to establish my individuality. Saturn in the 3rd house can pose difficulty in one’s communication, mental style, and even neighbors. Fortunately, a Sagittarius Moon in the 11th house trines the Aries Saturn in the 3rd house. My emotional self alleviates my karma in the 3rd house. Yet empowered by the rule, structure, and emotional boundaries gifted by an excellent Moon-Saturn aspect.
See, there are endless ways an aspect can manifest, and there will likely be a ton for you, too. The Sun-Saturn opposition shows us how aspects work in action and how good aspects can offset more challenging ones. Some oppositions aren't as intense as this one and, therefore, might be easier to balance. Regardless, the lesson is that balancing two planets in opposition brings with it lessons and skills that help to develop your personality to its fullest.
A stellium occurs when three or more planets occupy the same sign and house. Some astrologers argue a true stellium is only of three or more conjoins. Others stay true to the sign occupation of three or more planets, regardless of aspect. Whether or not the planets are conjoined, a sign with three or more planets is emphasized in a chart.
If all three planets are within the same sign and house, the area of life signified by that house is very important. Stelliums are somewhat common, with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus being the most popular combination.. Mercury is never more than 28° away from the Sun and Venus never farther than 47°, so they are very often in the same sign and sometimes all in conjunction. Some astrologers do not consider this a true stellium either.
Again, the presence of three planets in a sign still gives a lot of importance to that sign, so it doesn't make this combination any less valid, especially if they are all in conjunction.
Sometimes not all the planets in a stellium are within the same house. In this case, the areas of life involved are scattered between two houses. The same can happen for a stellium that spans two signs (see dissociate aspects for more info). In this case, the way the planets express their energy varies depending on what sign they occupy.
A basic stellium could be the Moon conjunct Mars conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius in the 9th house. Emotional expression comes easily; drive, willpower, and capacity for transformation are emotionally influenced/enhanced. The urge to travel, study, and expand (all traits of Sagittarius and the 9th house) is enhanced by immense will and major changes such as birth or death (Pluto), drive and impulsivity (Mars), and emotional comfort (Moon).
Major Aspects:
Soft: Trine (120*) and Sextile (60*)
Hard: Square (90*), Opposition (120*)
Neutral: Conjunction (0-7*), Stellium
Minor aspects come about when someone lacks major aspects. Any major aspect usually dwarfs them, but that doesn't mean they are any less powerful. We believe that even the subtle effects of a minor aspect can be a powerhouse in one’s chart. Because of these subtleties, the orb of influence is markedly decreased with minor aspects.
Two planets in inconjunct aspects are 150°(Orb: 147°-153°) from each other. The keyword for inconjunct is disharmony. The degree placement is between the trine (120°) and the opposition (180°), giving the two planets a kind of unfamiliarity. Both read each other as two from foreign lands. One wants to move forward, while the other wants to stay behind. The trick is a decisive judgment; your queue is when to use one planet’s talent alongside the other based on the context of a situation.
Two planets in sesquisquare aspect are 135° (Orb: 132°-138°) from each other. The keyword for sesquisquare is aggravation. This aspect works much like a square but with less intensity. These difficulties can be easily overcome by the presence of any easy aspect (trine, sextile, semisextile).
Two planets in semisquare aspect are 45° (Orb: 42°-48°) from each other. This aspect works precisely like the sesquisquare, with the keyword being friction. These provide some impetus for action, but very mildly.
Two planets in semisextile aspect are 30° (Orb: 27°-33°) from each other. The keyword for semisextile is mildly beneficial. Semisextiles indicate some areas of small opportunity in the chart. Semisextiles are best used in the presence of a sextile aspect. For example, Venus in Scorpio is sextile Mars in Virgo. In between them is Mercury in Libra. Mercury is semisextile, both Venus and Mars. Mercury in Libra brings the ambitious cardinal energy to Scorpio’s fixed sign and Virgo’s mutable sign.
Keep these minor aspects in mind when the other aspects in a chart don't account for a particular part of your personality. Also, look for how the minor aspects might bolster major aspects.
Planetary aspects are made when planets are a certain degree away from another planet. Sextile is 60°, a square is 90°, and so on. The effect of the aspect, however, is felt slightly before the angle and slightly after. This is called the orb of allowance. The orb of allowance gives astrologers a range to work with when determining the interaction between two planets. Some astrologers may not use orbs at all, and others may use different amounts depending on the strength of the aspect or planets involved. Generally, most aspects will allow an 8° difference. This is a plus and minus--for example, a square aspect will be from 82° to 98°. The range for each aspect will be given in their different explanations.
Something else to keep in mind regards the strength of the aspect. An aspect is stronger when a faster-moving planet moves towards another planet. Let's use a square between Mercury and Saturn as an example. Mercury moves very quickly around the zodiac, while Saturn takes about five years just to move through one sign. Let's say Saturn is at 15° Aquarius and Mercury is at 10° Scorpio. The distance between the two aspects is 95° and decreases as Mercury moves toward Saturn. Mercury moves closer towards the square aspect, increasing intensity until they are precisely 90°. As Mercury keeps moving, the power of the aspect decreases until they are no longer in part.
The major piece to understand with aspects and orbs is that the closer two planets are to making the exact aspect, the stronger the energy between them. The power is the strongest when a planet is moving towards another.
As a note, the Orb of Influence differs when reading progressed charts and transits. The allowable distance for transits and progressed charts is 1°.
Dissociate aspects occur when two planets are not in exact aspect but are within the orb of influence—for example, Saturn at 29° Aries opposite the Sun at 2° Scorpio. An exact aspect would keep both planets in Cardinal--or fixed if Saturn were in Taurus--modalities.
Dissociate aspects partly scatter the influence of two (or more) planets.
Another example is in stelliums. When three planets are within the same sign, they form a stellium. Stelliums are concentrated energy in a sign or house. Sometimes, the planets in a stellium occupy a different sign and house.
I have this in my chart. I have Venus 29° Scorpio in the 10th house conjunct Pluto 3° Sagittarius in the 11th house conjunct Mars 6° Sagittarius in the 11th house. All planets are within the orb for conjunction, but Venus is an outlier being in a different sign and a different house. The drive and willpower represented by Mars and Pluto bleed intensity, passion, and love from Venus in Scorpio.
The primary thing about the dissociating aspects is that its energy is diverse, which often solves problems uniquely than two of the same.
Written by: Hezekiah Ortiz